Jumat, 22 Desember 2017

English conversation

Agus hartono simangunsong
Nim                       : B1013171015
Jemi Ibrahim
Nim                       : B1013171021

Setting                  : In the evening, at campus and at cafĂ©
Situation              : jimi and agus are smp friend, they meet at the same college place

Jimi: (with a shocked face) you agus right? who likes to ignorant in class.
Agus: (with a surprised face) who are you?
Jimi: i jimi your smp friends, do you not know?
Agus: jimi is thugs in school right?
Jimi: (with shame face) yes, how are you gus?
Agus: healthy, how are you?
Jimi : healthy, are you studying here? What major?
Agus : yes jim, accounting majors, what about you? Study major
Jimi : I’m studying at economic development, what do you want to be?
Agus : l want to be a businessman jim, you yourself,what do you want to be?
Jimi : l want to be an Economic Observer, let’s talke at the cafe  gus, because it’s time to go home?
Agus :oke
Jimi : where do you live now?
Agus: l live at ampera, home alone. If you?
Jimi: I live here with my best friend.
Agus : oh ... your friends here who is jim?
Jimi :Erwin gus. Who are you, your best friend?
Agus :hugo jim. he is very good, hard and happy to live together.
Jimi : same gus. my best friend too.
Agus : bye the way your favorite food here is jim?
Jimi :rending,and you?
Agus: fried rice. Want to go to college holidays, vacation plans where?
Jimi: I want a vacation to kuala lumpur, because there is a tour that I really like. you yourself?
Agus : I lake Toba, because I am very happy with the scenery.
Jimi: we will go tomorrow again yes gus, because it's night.


traveling favorite

   I will tell you my favorite holiday on blog
The long holiday I was very happy to vacation to parapat.karena very beautiful scenery and my first vacation time in pematangsiar. My time was I was invited aunt to go there for a vacation. My heart is very happy because it can be a vacation with the family even though not the same parents. My aunt and uncle are my second parents. I can see the beauty of the scenery and the tourist spot is still good. There in the afternoon the weather is very cold feeling like live north pole.hehehehehehe

   Not only that parapat has a lot of history, like the beginning of the lake Toba. Many people abroad come there to enjoy the beautiful scenery and all vacation there there is also to settle or stay there because they want memnghired his old age diparapat. There also has a typical meal, the goldfish naniura. The fish is not cooked but mixed with spices, it's first tried it tastes bad but if both times it would be addicted, there are many more deh typical food there. So I want to have a vacation there, I miss the atmosphere there, not only that I want to see the hanging stone again which has a history of why the hanging stone.

So many of my favorite holiday stories, hopefully will be achieved holiday there again.


    Saya akan menceritakan liburan favorit saya di blog
Liburan panjang saya sangat senang liburan ke parapat.karena pemandangan nya yang sangat indah dan liburan pertama saya waktu di pematangsiantar. Waktu saya itu saya diajak tante ke sana untuk berlibur. Hati saya sangat senang karena bisa berlibur bersama keluarga biar pun tidak sama orang tua. Tante dan paman sudah saya anggap sebagai orang tua kedua saya. Diparapat saya melihat indahnya pemandangan dan tempat pariwisatanya masih bagus. Disana sore hari cuacanya sangat dingin rasa seperti tinggal dikutub utara.hehehehehehe
    Bukan itu saja parapat memiliki banyak sejarah, seperti   awal mula terjadinya danau toba. Banyak orang-orang luar negeri datang kesana untuk menikmati indahnya pemandangan dan sekalian berlibur disana ada juga sampai menetap atau tinggal disana karena ingin memnghabiskan masa tua nya diparapat. Disana juga memiliki makan khas, yaitu ikan mas naniura. Ikan nya tidak di masak tapi di campur bumbu, memang pertama dicoba rasanya tidak enak tapi kalau kedua kali nya pasti ketagihan, masih banyak lagi deh makanan khas disana. Jadi saya ingin lagi berlibur disana, saya rindu dengan suasana disana , bukan itu saja saya pengen lihat batu gantung lagi yang memiliki sejarah mengapa terjadinya batu gantung itu.

Sekianlah cerita liburan favorit saya, semoga akan tercapai berlibur disana lagiii.

Minggu, 17 Desember 2017

Eat To Live, Not Live To Eat

     Fried rice is a food of fried rice and stirred in cooking oil or margarine, usually plus sweet soy sauce, onion, garlic, tamarind, pepper and other spices, such as eggs, chicken, and crackers. There are also other types of fried rice made with salted fish that is also popular throughout Indonesia. Fried rice is also known as Indonesian national cuisine. Of the many dishes in the treasures of Indonesian cuisine, only a few can be considered true national food. This national cuisine of Indonesia does not recognize social class restrictions. Nasi goreng can be enjoyed simply in the street stalls, cart hawkers around, to the restaurant and buffet table in the party, the price is also affordable.

The reason I choose fried rice as my favorite food       

     Hhmm ... the reason why I choose fried rice as my favorite food because fried rice can be varied with various kinds of spices and other foodstuffs such as meatballs, sausages, meat, chicken. there is also a make fried rice as another variant of seafood and a mainstay seafood restaurant because it fits with the tongue of the wider community. even fried rice can also be combined with vegetables such as mustard greens, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, and much more. can even be given topping in the form of crackers, fried onions or in accordance with the wishes of the maker (chef). besides fried rice is also easily found in every corner of the city even in remote areas though. so if I want to eat my favorite food just stay out the house that do not even have to travel long distances. if we want to make it ourselves also does not require a lot of cost and materials that are difficult because it was we can make fried rice in accordance with our own desires. so that's some of my reasons why I love fried rice because it's simple, easy to find and most importantly it does not disappoint.

     Nasi goreng adalah sebuah makanan berupa nasi yang digoreng dan diaduk  dalam minyak goreng atau margarin, biasanya ditambah kecap manis, bawang merah, bawang putih, asam jawa, lada dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya, seperti telur, ayam, dan kerupuk. Ada pula nasi goreng jenis lain yang dibuat bersama ikan asin yang juga populer di seluruh Indonesia.
Nasi goreng juga dikenal sebagai masakan nasional Indonesia. Dari sekian banyak hidangan dalam khazanah Masakan Indonesia, hanya sedikit yang dapat dianggap sebagai makanan nasional sejati. Masakan nasional Indonesia ini tidak mengenal batasan kelas sosial. Nasi goreng dapat dinikmati secara sederhana di warung tepi jalan, gerobak penjaja keliling, hingga restoran dan meja prasmanan dalam pesta,harganya pun juga terjangkau.

Alasan Saya memilih nasi goreng sebagai makanan favorit

      Hhmm… alasan mengapa saya memilih nasi goreng sebagai makanan favorit saya karena nasi goreng dapat di variasikan dengan berbagai macam bumbu serta bahan makanan lainnya seperti bakso, sosis, daging, ayam. ada juga yang menjadikan nasi goreng sebagai varian lain dari seafood dan menjadi andalan restoran seafood karena cocok dengan lidah masyarakat luas. bahkan nasi goreng juga dapat dikombinasikan dengan sayuran seperti sawi, kol, timun, tomat, dan masih banyak lagi. bahkan dapat diberi topping berupa kerupuk, bawang goreng atau sesuai dengan keinginan si pembuatnya (koki).
selain itu nasi goreng juga mudah ditemukan di setiap sudut kota bahkan di pelosok sekalipun. jadi jika saya ingin makan makanan favorit saya hanya tinggal keluar rumah yang bahkan tidak harus menempuh jarak yang jauh. bila kita ingin membuatnya sendiri juga tidak memerlukan banyak biaya serta bahan-bahan yang sulit karena itu tadi kita dapat membuat nasi goreng sesuai dengan keinginan kita sendiri.
Jadi itu beberapa alasan saya mengapa saya menyukai nasi goreng karena simple, mudah ditemukan serta yang paling penting rasanya tidak mengecewakan.

Kamis, 07 Desember 2017

friend meaning to me


"Friendship is like a hand and an eye. When the injured hand eyes crying, when the eye crying hand remove it "     
      For me personally, the friend is like the morning dew when the sun will illuminate the earth. Feeling when happiness comes to him, I will also jump for joy. When he was sad and wounded, I was able to tear and feel that I did not want him to be hurt. Feel the 'warmth' and comfort when sharing stories. Feel that at every step he is in his memory and always wants to please him wherever he is. True friend is a friend who has no conscience to stab from behind or become a thorn in the flesh and has no sense of envy and envy. Mutual giving and receiving each other without any frills the principle of utilization.      
     The process of becoming a friend requires a maintenance effort of loyalty, but not when we need help then we have the motivation to seek attention, help and affirming the love of others, but instead he took the initiative to give and realize what is needed by his friend.      His desire is to be part of his friend's life, because there is no friendship that begins with an egotistical attitude. Everyone would need a true friend, but not everyone gets it. Many people who have enjoyed the beauty of friendship, but some are so devastated by his best friend betrayed.  Remember when was the last time you were in trouble? Who is beside you ?? Who loves you when you're feeling unloved ?? Who wants to be with you when you can not give anything?

      Appreciate and always keep your friendship. Having a true friend is worth more than a thousand selfish friends.Thank you my best friend for always being there when I'm hard and happy. Together face it, even though we always fight but you still my best friend.


“Persahabatan itu seperti tangan dan mata. Saat tangan terluka mata menangis, saat mata menangis tangan menghapusnya”

     Bagi saya pribadi, sahabat itu bagai embun pagi tatkala matahari akan menyinari bumi ini. Merasakan ketika kebahagiaan datang menghampirinya, saya juga akan loncat kegirangan. Ketika dia bersedih dan luka, saya mampu mengeluarkan air mata dan merasakan bahwa betapa saya tidak ingin ia tersakiti. Merasakan ‘kehangatan’ dan kenyamanan ketika bersama saling berbagi cerita. Merasakan bahwa di setiap langkah ia ada dalam ingatan dan selalu ingin menyenangkan hatinya di mana pun ia berada. Sahabat sejati adalah sahabat yang tidak punya hati nurani untuk menusuk dari belakang atau menjadi duri dalam daging dan tidak memiliki rasa iri dan dengki. Saling memberi dan saling menerima tanpa ada embel-embel azas pemanfaatan.
     Proses dari teman menjadi sahabat membutuhkan usaha pemeliharaan dari kesetiaan, tetapi bukan pada saat kita membutuhkan bantuan barulah kita memiliki motivasi mencari perhatian, pertolongan dan pernyataaan kasih dari orang lain, tetapi justru ia berinisiatif memberikan dan mewujudkan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh sahabatnya.
     Kerinduannya adalah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sahabatnya, karena tidak ada persahabatan yang diawali dengan sikap egoistis. Semua orang pasti membutuhkan sahabat sejati, namun tidak semua orang berhasil mendapatkannya. Banyak pula orang yang telah menikmati indahnya persahabatan, namun ada juga yang begitu hancur karena dikhianati sahabatnya.                                                                
     Ingatlah kapan terakhir kali kamu berada dalam kesulitan ? Siapa yang berada di samping kamu ?? Siapa yang mengasihi kamu saat kamu merasa tidak dicintai ?? Siapa yang ingin bersama kamu saat kamu tak bisa memberikan apa-apa ??
   Hargai dan peliharalah selalu persahabatanmu. Mempunyai satu sahabat sejati lebih berharga dari pada seribu teman yang mementingkan diri sendiri.
Terima kasih sahabat ku selama ini yang selalu ada di waktu aku susah dan senang. Bersama-sama menghadapinya,walau pun kita selalu bertengkar tapi kamu tetap sahabat ku.